Self Care

I’ve had a draft saved for days now, but life has firmly got in the way. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and even fewer survive life upheaval.

I need to learn to give myself a break, both in terms of taking time out, but also in terms of letting myself off the hook on occasion. I have perfectionist tendencies (read: I have ridiculous self expectations) and yet despite my brain’s determination otherwise, am still definitely just a mortal human.

Just because my stupid brain thinks I can cope with redundancy, handover work, bereavement, job-hunting, and interview prep, while continuing with all hobbies, pastimes, family commitments, and general life stuff, it doesn’t mean that any other part of me can sustain it.

So I’m focusing on triaging better (interview prep, then funeral prep, then family, then job-hunting, then handover work, and then everything else) which means that photography, and this blog, might fall off a little while the crunchiest bit of the crunch time passes.

I’ll be back at it soon though… I still have yet to even start the journalling practice I said I was going to do when I started the blog! 🙄 I know it probably would help, but it’s a sorta-kinda “can’t see the forest because of all these damned trees” situation.

Until then..!

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