Hmm, I suppose I should have started with this…

“Hi, I’m Ian, and I’m going try to be very witty and clever here…” Oh lord that’s awful…

How to start a blog? That’s a question I have put off answering for a very long time. I’ve had the domain, and we space set up for at least a year now, I’ve just never found the right starting post.

I suppose that’s why I went with something random instead – I was falling into the worst trap: the trap of indecision. In my experience, there’s no such thing as a bad decision, but not making a decision would definitely be a bad thing.

So here I am, with my life doing some interesting things: sort-of-being constructively dismissed from my job, having to urgently seek new employment, and my dad being at the end of his life… All plenty to be dealing with individually, but life has a way of bunching up.


What’s the best way to deal with such things? Well, commit brain space to actually writing on this thing regularly wasn’t on my to-do list, that’s for sure! But then I started, and it sort of felt alright. So maybe this will become my journaling outlet? Or maybe the place where I post my photography because I’m getting kind of done with Instagram? Perhaps it’ll be a bucket for the music that I write? I really don’t know, to be honest.

However, I’ve been paying for this (granted, the cheapest option, but still… Money has changed hands) and so it seems wasteful to just… Not.

I think Matt Damon said it best, in character in the film “The Martian”: You just… Begin. You solve the problem, and then the next and, if you solve enough problems, just maybe you get to go home.

So, I’m going to not pay attention to the fact that the blog that I was fully expecting to be me shouting into the void, with no audience at all, seems to have already been read by a couple of people (thank you, by the way, if you came back again!) If I do that, I will second guess myself and kill whatever momentum I started with.

I don’t know how often I’ll be posting, but I’m going to try for “regularly”. Maybe once a day, maybe once a week.

Often. Well, often enough anyway.

If there is anyone, lurking at the back of the metaphorical hall, thank you for your time; it’s entirely unexpected, and you really didn’t need to (which makes it all the more gracious of you).

‘Til next time…

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